Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day Fourteen

I had a visit to the cyclatron today, which was really interesting. The radiochemists explained the process of producing FGD which is highly labour intensive. The cyclatron was heavily shielded and was still too 'hot' to stand next to, but they've invited me back on Monday when it will be 'cold' and they're going to take the lead and concrete shield off for me to look inside.

Yesterday I sat in on a reporting session, the doctor was very generous with her time and talked me through the whole process. They double report in this clinic. The first report is produced without reading the referral, which was interesting because quite a few of the patients I had interviewed earlier and was aware of their history - so it was amazing to see how quickly the doctor could hit the nail on the head. It really helped me with my cross sectional anatomy as well.

Other than that I have concentrated on reading as much about lymphoma as possible which includes checking the history of every patient that comes through the department. The peak age for NHL is around my own age so it is very humbling to be in the prescence of these people coming to terms with this disease.

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